Parallel Portento Audiophile Filter (PAF).
Potted circuit board to prevent microphonic effects.
Incapsulated in a Delrin cylinder with Schuko connector for a Plug & Play use.
Compact dimensions.
Power Clean Zerø Filter
Starting from technology and know-how used on the Powercond, Portento Audio is proud to present his new line of single power filters called Powerclean.
All Powerclean products (as all the Electronics Series products) are equipped with the parallel Portento Audiophile Filter (PAF).
The stand alone version is called Power Clean Zero and it’s now available in a new compact and improved version. A Plug & Play power filter cleaning the mains pollution (RF, wireless networks, …), who protects your system from survoltage. Acting in a parallel way, not along the mains path, dinamics won’t be affected.
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