INCANTO Headphones Cable

INCANTO Headphones Cable


Machined Aluminum Portento Audio Splitter (3 grams weigth)
26 AWg silver plated conductors

Read the review by Dirk Sommer about the Incanto cable for Audeze (only in german language) appeared the 11/9/2015 on

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INCANTO headphones cable

A custom headphone cable assembled with silver plated copper conductors, double shielded.
A sleeving in a fabric black hose is used to protect the cable.

Additional information


Abyss AB-1266, Audeze LCD Series/Meze Empyrean/Kennerton Odin, Vali, Beyerdynamic T1/T5p Mk II, Dan Clark Audio Ether/Aeon/Alpha Dog, Focal Stellia/Elear/Elegia/Clear, Klipsch HP3, Focal Utopia, Hifiman HE series (screw-in type SMC), Hifiman HE1000/400s/560/Susvara, Audioquest NightHawk/NightOwl, Oppo PM1/PM2 (2.5mm micro jack), Hifiman HE1000se/6se/new 400i/Sundara/Ananda/Arya (3.5mm jack), Sennheiser HD580/HD600/HD650/HD6XX/HD58X, Sennheiser HD8xx(s)/CA Cascade/Dharma D1000, Spirit Torino, Denon D600/D5200/D7100/D7200/D9200, Kennerton Magister

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